Play Karaoke resort Game
Game description : Try These Games! What\'s your star potential? Test it here by singing and dancing to the beat. Maybe you\'re popstar material!
Game controls : To create a look for your popstar, click on the circles on the left.\r
For Singing:\r
Click "Sing!" Then select whether you want your high score to be saved. Plug in or turn on a computer microphone, then click "Mic Check." Click "Allow," and then click the Close button. Set the volume, select a song, and once it\'s loaded, start singing! \r
Hint: It\'s okay if you don\'t know the words or the tune. Just sing to the beat and at the right volume.\r
For Dancing:\r
Click "Dance!" Then select whether you want your high score to be saved. Select a song. As the stars slide down the rainbow, use the mouse to click on the color where the stars are. If you miss, the rainbow will shake for a second.

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